Harvesting is one of the most important processes that every farmer faces during planting and harvesting. Zigma tobacco; The progress of science has made various techniques to increase the quality of tobacco to be considered these days. One of the tips to improve the quality of tobacco leaves in the harvest season, you should pay attention to, is that you should pay attention to the watering method of tobaccos.
Tobacco seeds and plants tend to be placed in moist soil so that the moisture is absorbed through the water roots. Also, if you are not careful, the tobacco leaves may suffer from blight at the final stage of harvesting, which causes many problems for tobacco leaves. If you do not have expertise in this field, the presence of a skilled farmer or an experienced expert can help you get through this period well.
How to recognize the right time to harvest?
When talking about tips to improve the quality of tobacco leaves in the harvest season, we must address the issue of how to recognize the right time to harvest. It is better to know that knowing the right time to harvest tobacco is very important to help you get a quality product. To recognize the right time to harvest tobacco, you can pay attention to the following tips:

- Color of leaves: The color of tobacco leaves can indicate the right time to harvest. When the color of the leaves has reached a greenish-yellow color, it is time to harvest.
- Stems and leaves: The leaves and stems of tobacco must be fully formed at the time of harvest and the stems must not be too light or wet. Otherwise, the tobacco leaves are not ready to harvest and you should not do so.
- Test the leaves before harvesting: You can examine a few leaves of the product and by pressing them and based on the sensory experience, determine whether it is the right time to harvest or not. You can feel it when the leaves are young and not yet ready for harvesting. Of course, do this only if you have previous experience.
- Attention to biological factors: By observing biological factors such as air composition, humidity and temperature, you can determine the right time to harvest tobacco.
- Growth check: checking the growth of tobacco plants and comparing the harvest time with their growth can help determine the right time for harvest.
The things discussed here are just a few tips to improve the quality of tobacco leaves during the harvest season. Therefore, it is better to consult with experts and those who specialize in this field so that you can increase your knowledge in this field.
Optimum harvesting techniques to increase quality

Continuing the review of tips to improve the quality of tobacco leaves in the harvest season, we must mention the introduction of optimal harvesting techniques to increase the quality of the product. To harvest tobacco optimally in order to increase product quality, you can use the following techniques:
- Accurate and manual harvesting: using the manual harvesting method in an accurate and regional way can help to harvest tobacco leaves correctly and maintain their quality.
- Use of proper tools: If necessary and according to the harvesting needs, the use of proper tools such as scissors and fiddles can help improve the quality of tobacco leaves.
- Maintaining the quality and health of the leaves: being careful in harvesting and trying not to damage the leaves is a very important issue. Care should be taken to ensure that the leaves are not broken or damaged during harvesting.
- Proper drying: After harvesting, the leaves should be dried properly to prevent decay and spoilage and maintain the quality of the leaves.
- Maximum efficiency and minimum loss: The goal of optimal harvesting of tobacco leaves is to achieve the highest possible quality with the least loss on the product.
- Regulation of water consumption: water consumption during tobacco harvesting should be optimal so that no water problems occur in the quality of tobacco leaves.
In general, when harvesting tobacco, attention should be paid to the safety and health of others who are present in the field so that no unwanted accidents occur.

Methods to prevent damage to leaves during harvesting
Another tip to improve the quality of tobacco leaves during the harvesting season is to pay attention to the methods of preventing damage to the leaves during harvesting. It is better to know that tobacco leaves are very large and therefore, proper tools must be provided to place them. Otherwise, the tobacco leaves may be piled on top of each other and breakage may occur in the leaves, which greatly reduces their quality.
Correct hand movement is very important when separating the leaves from the stems. If you shake your hand too much or cut the plant from an inappropriate place, the plant may be damaged and this will affect the quality of the leaf at the time of harvest. Using the right gloves makes people have more control over the work at the time of harvesting. Overall, these tips can increase the quality of leaves at harvest time and help growers have access to quality products. Training and awareness of workers before harvesting is very important and it is recommended that all farmers consider its implementation so that they can go through this process well.